Upload Images - Send Digital Files for Custom Tiles & Murals
For smaller than 12MB, you can upload images attached to email – use instructions below for image files larger than 12 MB.
Digital files should be at least 240 ppi at print size or as large as possible. Web page images are usually too small. We will check the image’s suitability for your project. You may send hard copies for us to scan – flat or rolled (no frames or glass). If extensive editing or scanning is required, it is performed at an hourly rate of $45 with a $45 minimum. For art requirements, see below*.
To Upload Files
Select your file(s), Enter your Email address, Click ‘UPLOAD FILES’

*Art Requirements for Uploaded Images
Preferred file types: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, (jpg, tif, psd, ai, eps, pdf). Any of these may be in compressed ZIP file format.
All imported graphics should be linked. We may need to request all linked files.
Illustrator & InDesign: do not embed graphics.
Leave Photoshop files layered, using eps, tif, psd, or psb.
Grayscale & Bitmap images: uncompressed tifs
Fonts: Illustrator & InDesign: Outlined fonts are preferred; we may require the font family package.
File Sizes: Vector files can be scaled to any size without problems. Raster images should be designed at full size and then downsized only if necessary for transmission. We typically print at 240-300 dpi where high resolution reproduction is required. Large works (to be viewed at a distance) can be supplied and printed at lower resolution. Contact us with specific information on the project with questions regarding file size/resolution.
You may send us a CD, DVD, or thumb drive (aka USB flash drive, jump drive).
Regarding copyright or other issues: See Terms and Conditions.
High Resolution vs Low Resolution Images Files
Digital images are made of tiny pixels (picture elements), or squares of color. You usually don’t notice individual pixels because they all blend to form the picture that you see.
But, those pixels are still there! You can see them either when you zoom in too much, or you try to enlarge an image beyond what it can handle — which is why it’s important to know how to resize an image correctly.
Low resolution images have around 72-pixels, or squares of color, per inch. This makes them great for the web because that’s usually as much as most computer screens can display. Lo-res images are also lightweight (because they have fewer pixels), which helps websites load quickly.
Hi-res images, on the other hand, are at least 300 pixels per inch (PPI). This resolution makes for good print quality and is pretty much a minimum requirement for anything you want hard copies of, especially to represent your brand or other important print materials.